
Showing posts from January, 2020


纽约的地标一直是全世界游客的旅游目的地,而对于纽约客来说,很多地标已经有点“索然无味”了,那么想去出去走走,又不想人挤人的话,可以去哪里看看呢?今天,我们就为大家盘点一下,那些比较不那么“出名”的公共场所,没事散个步什么都是很好的选择哦!    高架庭院(Elevated Acre)   地址:55 Water St, New York, NY   在这里你可以看到罗斯福快道(FDR Drive)的景观哦!这里隐藏了一些纽约的故事,这个城市公园实际上是一个高架庭院。这个庭院位于沃特街(Water St)55号,到达后走上一些楼梯,就可以将自由女神像、布碌仑大桥和曼哈顿大桥尽收眼底。这里还有一个相连的酒吧和餐厅,所以没事可以来公园里散步,感受一下曼哈顿下城中心的夜晚吧!    福特基金会大厦(Ford Foundation Building)   地址:320 East 43rd Street, New York, NY   想要享受大自然的美好,但又不愿意冒严寒?这座位于中城东部的建筑提供了一个美丽而自由的室内花园,位于曼哈顿繁华的中城,完全向公众开放。    佩利公园(Paley Park)   地址:3 E 53rd St, New York, NY   这里拥有小世外桃源号称,是纽约市内为数不多的瀑布之一,更不用说还靠近洛克菲勒中心了。    布碌仑普利茅斯街(Plymouth Street)   如果你想要照一张完美的曼哈顿大桥的照片,或者你不想伪装成游客,但只是想看看,那么DUMBO的这个十字路口是你一定需要去看看的地方。虽然很多人去DUMBO都是去的华盛顿街与沃特街的交叉口,但在普利茅斯街同样也能有布碌仑大桥和曼哈顿下城的景象,而且其实这里并不太为人所知。再加上整个区域看起来就像《美国队长:第一复仇者》里的场景。    美国名人堂(Hall of Fame for Great Americans)   地址:University Ave & W 181st St, The Bronx, NY   早在纽约大学将布朗士区的大学高地(University Heights)划为自己的区域后,这所久负盛名的学术机构就建造了这条闻名遐迩的步道,成为美国有史以来第一个名人堂。如今,

林肯中心 silk road performance

Photo credit: Arthur Eisenberg What a way to celebrate the Chinese New Year! From the China Gansu Dance Theatre comes the astonishing New York premiere of a milestone masterpiece of Chinese dance theater:  SILK ROAD . We had the chance to experience this stunning theater production and this is a perfect example of the specific way that Chinese artists can turn their great culture into kitsch.  Performed at the  David H. Koch Theater  at Lincoln Center from February 27 – March 3, 2013, this spectacular production features 60 dancers, along with astounding athleticism, artistry and ision. This stunning production is inspired by the magnificent Dunhuang frescoes and follows master painter Zhang, his daughter Yingniang, and Persian merchant Yunus as they travel along the Silk Road. With visually stunning sets, ornate and elaborate costumes, beautiful and unique dance styles, SILK ROAD introduces you to a tale of great friendship forged during the Tang Dynasty between China and