注意!!!纽约 “软封城” 于22日晚8点生效 政策须知
The city will enforce the PAUSE program (软封城政策) when it goes into effect Sunday night, March 22, at 8 p.m. (3月22日晚8点生效)Here’s how this will affect you: 以下是具体条例:
- All non-essential businesses across the city will be closed. Businesses will essential functions will continue to operate — including grocery stories, pharmacies, internet providers, food delivery, banks, postal services and mass transit. 所有非必要行业商家全部关门 基本允许开业的商家包括: 超市,银行,药房,外卖商家,邮局快递和公共交通等
- Essential businesses must institute rules that facilitate social distancing. 必要开门的商家员工需遵守约2米的安全社交距离
- All non-essential gatherings are forbidden; any concentration of people outside their home must be limited to workers providing essential services. 除基本行业员工外,户外禁止非必要集会
- People out in public must practice social distancing, standing or walking at least 6 feet away from each other. 如若出门 与路人需保持6尺 至少两米的距离
- Outdoor recreational activities must be non-contact. 避免触碰公共娱乐设施
- Use public transportation only when absolutely necessary. 如无必要 不要使用地铁和巴士
- Anyone who is sick must stay home, and can only leave it if they are seeking medical care. 遇到生病 请立即就医 症状轻微者需留在家中
- The NYPD will ensure compliance with these policies. Those who break the rules will be subject to fines and/or business closures. 纽约市警将会时刻巡逻和严格执行规定 确保人人遵守规定 违规者或小商家将会被罚款
- New Yorkers who are 70 or older and/or immune-compromised should remain indoors 70岁以上老人和免疫力低下的民众必须留在家中
- limit outdoor activity to solitary exercise 限制户外活动或锻炼
- pre-screen all visitors by taking their temperature 所有到家访客朋友需先测量体温
- wear a mask in the company of others avoid visiting households with multiple people; require that everyone in their presence wear a mask 与其他人出去要带口罩及避免去多人住宅区 每个人出门都必须带口罩!
图片来源 @Extra Studio & Google.
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