去新泽西日本超市必知的事情 NJ Mitsuwa Japanese Market best route to get there!!!

NJ Mitsuwa Japanese Market best route to get there!!!
Image may contain: 1 person, food and indoor

~~~~~~~~~~Public transit info~~~~~~~~~~
NJ Transit #158 (to Fort Lee) from NYC Port Authority, Gate 202 Door 1. Requires a Zone 3 ticket ($4.25 one way)

If you see a Michael’s store (Stop: River Rd. at Rt. 5/Marina), then you're almost at Mitsuwa! Once you pass by a Barnes & Noble and a Target, press the red STOP button!

The bus going to NYC is on the opposite side of the street from where you got off earlier. The bus stop may not have signs about what buses stop here but don't worry you're in the right place! But the stop isn't directly across from where you got off, it's kinda further up the street (look to the right).

Also ask to purchase the return ticket as well so you don't need to have the exact change on hand when you get on the #158 heading back to NYC.


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